This is the true story of how this miracle photo of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” occurred. Our Blessed Mother is now giving messages that She wants this image of Her “known to all.” The name of the man whom Blessed Mary entrusted with this mission is Arrow Osborne. He and five others began receiving messages from Blessed Mary after the miraculous image appeared. Over the past 24 years he has traveled to numerous sites of reported apparitions of Our Lord Jesus and Our Blessed Mother. He had rose petals rain down upon himself and about 70,000 plus people on that apparition day in Conyers, Georgia in May of 1993. He has seen lights beam down on people during the midnight apparition of Our Lady of Lights in Kentucky in October of 1993. He has been overcome with the smell of roses “countless times” at other apparition sites – which historically indicates the presence of Our Blessed Mother. He belongs to a very large network of prayer warriors, mainly whom he met in Medjugorje. One of them is a man by the name of Mike Stanton. In April of 2017, he and Mike (from Connecticut) were planning another trip to Medjugorje with a group of fellow prayer warriors. Mike asked him, “Have you ever heard of a visionary from the Philippines?” Mike said he was going to be at the Holy Spirit Center in Cincinnati the following day. Arrow headed towards Cincinnati.
While at the Holy Spirit Center for this most Blessed event, Arrow met a man by the name of Neil — who was very close to this visionary from the Philippines. Neil and Arrow immediately struck up a very close friendship. Neil told me that this visionary from the Philippines would be coming back in late August or September. Meanwhile, Mike and Arrow went to Medjugorje with their prayer warriors and had a most inspirational time. Neil sent Arrow this visionary’s schedule from the Philippines, which indicated that he would be in the greater Cincinnati and northern Kentucky area from August 28th through September 6th at different Catholic churches, doing his healing ministry. Arrow went to all these events every day. On Saturday, September 2nd, while at St. Patrick church in northern Kentucky, Neil pulled him aside and said that there is a very holy woman who lives in the Cincinnati area who celebrates Our Blessed Mother’s birthday every year. This visionary from the Philippines also comes — as well as a very large group of people and priests from all over. Neil told Arrow to get there early. In the lady’s home were several statues of Our Lord and Blessed Mother that were covered in “Gold Dust” with one of them pulsating with “Gold Dust” when one would stand near it. Arrow has seen this miraculous detail before in Conyers, Georgia when Our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Mother were appearing to visionary Nancy Fowler in the early 1990’s. “Gold Dust” is reportedly the presence of Our Blessed Mother and also the Holy Spirit.
Looking up towards the ceiling in this woman’s home, Arrow saw several large blue and white balloons tied together in the formation of a Rosary. The blue balloons represented the Our Father prayer and white balloons for the Hail Mary prayer. On a table were small pieces of paper with a string attached to each one; you would write out your prayer petition to the Blessed Mother, then tie it to one of the strings on the balloons. Arrow walked to the back yard where they had large tents set up and chairs for everyone.
The visionary from the Philippines arrived with at least five priests. Some were from other countries; one of these most holy priests came from a parish just outside of Rome, Italy to be part of this most blessed event. There had to have been over two hundred people invited to this blessed event from all over the United States, Canada, and other countries. There was a Holy Mass, and then this visionary performed his healing ministry using rose petals.
Afterwards, everybody was asked to go to the front yard because they were going to release the rosary balloons into the air. When they released them, everybody started singing “Happy Birthday” to Our Blessed Mother. Arrow looked up and saw Neil in the upstairs bedroom window. The window was open wide because he was taking pictures of the balloons as they went up into the sky. When all of this was happening, the sun began spinning! People were saying, “Look at the Sun!” Arrow went into the house and upstairs to the bedroom where Neil was. Neil had just taken a polaroid picture using an instamatic camera while the balloons were still going up. Not realizing what was about to happen, Neil then turned to Arrow and said, “This one is yours.” Arrow watched with amazement as the image of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” slowly developed in the photo. There were NO images of Our Blessed Mother on any of the balloons, nor in the trees, on any signs, or anywhere!
Our Blessed Mother is now giving messages about this image of Her. In one of Her first messages She said,
“This image of My tear is a tear of Joy (hence Tear of Joy), for all those who were present at the birthday party in My honor. You were healing My heart with those present in honoring Me. Tell them this image of me is a healing image.”
Our Lady indicates in her messages that, when we seek Her, it gives Her joy (hence Tear of Joy), and it heals Her heart. She will then lead us to Her Son.
“When they look at My image, they are to recite the prayer, ‘Remember O most Gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known …’ (Memorare Prayer) When they say this prayer to Me, Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, they are fleeing to Me, causing me Joy. I will heal them by leading them to my Son. Tell them, Tell them. It brings Me Joy (healing Her heart) when you come to Me, and I will lead you to My Son.”
This message keeps getting repeated.
On October 11, Arrow was with a visionary who had been getting messages since the fall of 1993. This visionary chose to go to Medjugorje against doctor’s advice as she was gravely sick at the time and could die. This mystic went because her granddaughter was very sick and understood that suffering is a grace if we offer it up to God for our loved one or even for people that we don’t even know. In the end, the granddaughter was healed! Jesus told this mystic that it was because of her sacrificial suffering, making the journey to Medjugorje and having the faith of offering up her suffering. Afterwards, Arrow was with this mystic and a group of prayer warriors, saying the Rosary. Each person took turns holding the actual miraculous photo when it came for their turn to say their part of the Rosary. When the miracle photo of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” came to this mystic, and it was their turn to say the Rosary, the actual image of Our Blessed Mother in the photo “came alive.” Our Blessed Mother appeared to be saying the Rosary with them with Her lips moving and eyes actually moving also. Now, in one of Our Lady’s messages, She said, “Tell them this image of me (Picture), is a healing image.” This message from Our Lady means that this miraculous photo – after being blessed by a priest — can be placed upon somebody when praying with them.
February 13, 2019
“My little ones, just as when you were a young child, you would scrape your knee and your earthly mother would clean your hurt knee and then give your hurt a gentle kiss. I as your Heavenly Mother so very much want to heal and kiss all your scrapes, all your hurts and all your sufferings. I shed Tears of Joy on to you when you pray to Me. I love you My little ones and I bless you in My Son’s name”
February 27, 2018
“When they look into the eye’s of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son.”
January 28, 2019
“My child, on February 6th, I want My Joyful Mystery of My Holy Rosary said for all of those involved in abortion. Life is to be respected and life is to be chosen. I want to shed Tears of Joy to all of My precious little ones who call upon Me but, abortion cause’s Me to shed Tear’s of sadness for the unborn children My Son has created. Please tell My precious little ones of this request from their Blessed Mother. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”
January 16, 2019
“My little ones, I want My image (photo) in your homes and I will bless your homes. When you look upon My image, I am looking back at you, letting you know My little ones that I hold each and every one of you close to My heart. I always have My mantle of love and protection wrapped around each and every one of you, for I am your Heavenly Mother. I bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
January 12, 2019
“My little ones, pray for those who are cold and who have nothing to eat. Pray to Me so I can shed My Tears of Joy upon them to console them. Many of My little ones are suffering. I bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”
December 14, 2018
“My child, tell My little ones that when they pray to Me, My heart radiates Joy and Love and I pass that Joy and Love from My heart back to them. Tell My little ones of the Love as their Heavenly Mother I have for them. I bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”
December 6, 2018
“My little ones, you must know, Joy not only comes to My heart, but to My Son’s heart each time you pray to Me, because My Son knows I will lead all of those who pray to Me, to Him. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
December 1, 2018
“My Son opened the gates of Heaven for graces to pour down upon My little ones saying the Holy Rosary to Me for My Son’s unborn children. My little ones, I Bless you in My Son’s name.”
November 29. 2018
“My little ones, Angels will be be descending down upon those praying. Graces will flow down upon those praying for My Son’s unborn precious babies whom he knitted with His hands. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
October 30, 2018
“My little ones, so many of you are distracted from things of this world. I am your Heavenly Mother, come to know My love I have for each of My little ones. All of you are precious to My heart. Look into My image and see the Tear of Joy I have for each of you. Pray to Me My little ones, flee to Me in prayer and I will lead you to My Son. Come to know My deep love I have for all of My little ones. When you hold a Holy Rosary in your hand, I am holding your hand. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name.”
October 10, 2018
“I love you My little ones. I patiently await for you to call upon Me in your sufferings and trials you are going through. I want to intercede for you and lead you to My Son. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
August 13, 2018
“My child, let My little one’s know I want to bring peace to their hearts when they pray to Me. Please My little one’s, sit in silence and feel My love I am surrounding you with. You are My little one’s and you bring Me Tears of Joy when you pray to Me. I so much want to lead My lost little one’s to My Son. Pray for those who do not know My Son. I love you My little one’s and I Bless you in My Son’s name”
August 5, 2018
“Tell My little one’s that I am holding them and My Motherly touch which is from Heaven, is so soft that they are not able to feel Me touching them. Tell My little one’s I will never leave them, nor take My Love and Protection from them. So many of My little one’s think I am not with them. I Bless all of My little one’s in My Son’s name”
July 25, 2018
“My child, so many of My little children are afraid. They are to know this comes from Satan. My little ones are not to be afraid, but tell My little ones that I have My mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around them and I will never take that away from them. Tell My little ones that the Tear they see in My image (photo), is a true Tear of Joy that I shed when they pray to Me. I Bless you in My Son’s name”
July 14, 2018
“All of us once had a mother holding us in her arms. Whether by our birth mother’s or an adopted mother, we were held with such extreme love with the caress of our mother’s hands. The caress of our mother’s love was felt with her hands holding us in her arms. The caress of our mother’s love was felt with a gentle kiss on our little cheeks. The caress of our mother’s love was felt when we woke up being scared of the dark and the caress of her hands holding us, taking the fear away. The caress of our mother’s love was felt when we fell down scraping our knee and her hands touching our hurts, making us feel better. The caress of our mother’s love is not just with her hands. The caress of our mother’s love was in her eyes, looking at us when we left for school in our elementary school years. The caress of our mother’s love was those tears in her eyes when we left home, starting our own journey in life.”
“The caress of Our Lady’s love holding us is so very gentle that we cannot actually feel it, it is that soft. The caress of Our Lady’s love is when She is waiting for us to call upon Her when we are scared so She can hold us even closer to Her, taking the fear away. The caress of Our Lady’s love is when we call upon Her when we have our own physical hurts and Our Lady will touch our physical wounds with a gentle kiss. The caress of Our Lady’s love is when we call upon Her in our emotional needs and She lets you fell the warmth and love of Her hands holding you, Her touch is that soft. The caress of Our Lady’s love can be felt knowing that She is looking into our eyes, letting us know that She loves us with unconditional love. The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that She wants to take our hurts, our tears, our prayers to Her Son. The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that although we cannot see Her, Her love is surrounding us. The caress of Our Lady’s love is knowing that She has Her mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around us and She will never take that away. The caress of Our Lady’s Love, wow!! There is nothing to compare it to.” — from the Holy Spirit
March 3, 2019
Note: Shortly after the Noon Mass – Two New Heavy Canvas Prints of The Image Of Our Lady Tear of Joy (Professionally Created, Framed& Mounted on a Tripod) were placed in the Sanctuary that were to be Blessed By Fr. Joe. These Elegant Canvas Prints will be traveling with Arrow when he has scheduled “Speaking Engagements”, so that the audience can gaze upon our Beautiful Heavenly Mother as the Miraculous Image of “Our Lady Tear of Joy”.
As Fr. Joe was standing in front of these “Images” he was giving a presentation to those in attendance at this celebration and I suddenly felt the presence of Our Lady, who then began to speak.
“My Sweetest Children, I am filled with jubilation on this wonderful Celebration of Blessings of My Miraculous Images by Fr. Joe. This is indeed a joyous occasion and all of my faithful children who have taken the time this afternoon to attend this event will receive an abundance of Blessings through the Graces of my love for each of you and these blessings will also be given to your family members that you have been praying for. I am so thrilled and delighted on this very special and euphoric day and I want to thank My Child, Arrow and all of my other children who gave of their time, energy and expense to this magnificent project.”
“I was also in attendance for the Celebration of The Holy Mass and was enraptured by My Priest Sons (Fr. Joe & Fr. Sam) Offering the Sacrifice of My Divine Son in the Celebration of the Mass. To witness both of My Priest Sons celebrating the Mass and now to have them both here at the Blessing of My Images is both blissful and I feel elated. I am ever so grateful for their presence here today. Oh, My Children, what Tears of Joy I am shedding on this splendid day as I watch my sweet children come up to the Sanctuary to unveil these elegant images.”
Note: As Fr. Joe began the blessing of each image, Arrow saw what he thought was “glitter” falling upon all of those present at this celebration. Our Lady then told Arrow that it was indeed the “Gold Glitter”, and it represented the Graces and Blessings that were being given to all those in attendance. Our Lady said that it was symbolic of both protection and virtue.
Our Lady continues to speak:
“Oh, My Children, what Tears of Joy I am shedding on this very special day as I watch all of my children come up to show their Heavenly Mother reverence of love and dedication of My Miraculous Image.
I want all my children to know that I hear and feel their tears of pain and sorrow for all the heartache and hardships that they are experiencing. These days that you are living are very difficult and trying times. You must all turn to My Divine Son in His Most Holy Eucharist. His Holy Eucharist will be your strength in these strenuous and burdensome times.
I am your Heavenly Mother and when you turn to me in your challenging times, I will present all your petitions to My Divine Son. He will never abandon you in your time of anguish, nor will He ever desert you in your time of loneliness.
My sweet children, I will bring your petitions before My Divine Son and I will implore Him through His Mercy. His Love and Mercy is Infinite and He so loves all of His Children.
Those of my children, who gaze upon my Image of Our Lady Tear of Joy, I ask that you bring me all your intentions of sorrow, pain, depression, dejection, desolation and offer up through me all the heaviness of your heart and I will place them in the Merciful Heart of My Divine Son.

I love each and every one of my children and I will help each of you and will plead with My Divine Son, if it is His Will, through the love of My Sorrowful Heart.
I bless you in My Son’s Name.”
On March 24th, Our Lady gave a message that She wanted the Holy Rosary said on March 27th for Her Son’s priests. The spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy approved the message and — with it being the season of Lent, the “Sorrowful Mystery” of the Holy Rosary was to be said. The Rosary was at 7:00 p.m. in everybody’s respective time zone. Yesterday (March 27th, 2019), Our Lady gave a message to two visionaries and below is what they were told and shown during the time they were saying the Sorrowful Mystery of the Holy Rosary. This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.
“Today My little ones, you prayed for My Son’s priests. My Son’s priests are so special to Me for they are doing My Son’s Will. My little ones, I shed Tears of Joy down upon all those who were praying for My Son’s priests. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
Present at the Rosary was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The statue was immersed in light –which was streaming towards all those present and the priests all over the world. During the Sorrowful Mystery, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell upon all the priests.
March 20th, 2019
“Rays of My love……. My little ones, as you are able to see the rays of the sun come down upon you and you can feel the warmth of the sun touching you, so is My love for you. Although you can not actually see it, the love I have for you comes down upon you, touching you with My Motherly love I have for all of My precious little ones. I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”
April 3rd, 2019
“My sweet little ones, the Rosary prayer to Me is sweet music to Me. This sweet music resounds throughout Heaven and brings immense joy to My Son for all those who call upon Me. I Bless all of My little ones in My Son’s name”
These are the TRUE MIRACLES that demonstrate people are coming closer to Our Lady. Nothing but “Good Fruits” are coming from this mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.
Renee, from Michigan, USA:
“When I was younger, age 11- through 14, I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . After my parents explored all options through the arthritis foundation they were then introduced to the charismatic healing masses by my dear relatives Living in Canada, so my whole family, once a month, would go to the healing Masses. Yes, I received healing from the Holy Spirit, and my doctors could not believe that I was no longer going into a wheelchair, and that my hands were not crippled any longer.”
Mike, from Ohio, USA:
“The doctors found cancer in my body. It was not a tiny area. It’s all over — my brain, my legs, my liver — its everywhere. It was stage four melanoma cancer and there were some treatments but the outlook was not good. We prayed the Memorare holding Our Lady’s image, and I was anointed with Our Lady’s Tears.” Armed with miraculous medals and rosaries (touched by Our Lady in Medjugoje) – Mike and his wife felt like they had a place to turn for help. In a few months as prayers continued, his test results were suddenly moving in the other direction. In fact, the doctors were a little surprised. Most of his numbers had improved substantially. The Dr was so happy and was hugging us and even called in his other Oncologist that shook Mike’s hand. His recovery was complete in a few more months. His brain scan and Pet scan results were truly unbelievable. The doctor said he is 90-95% cancer free and that she has never had a patient respond so well.

Phil, from Pennsylvania, USA:
The Blessed Mother appeared to Phil seven years ago, and he just saw the miracle image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the Facebook site. Phil is adamant that this photo of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is the Blessed Mother who had appeared to him. He had had a skiing accident in February 2011, breaking his neck, fracturing vertebrates 4, 5 & 6 and also trauma to his arm. He was in a neck brace – but, during the night of July 3rd, 2011, he saw a “very beautiful woman” standing in his bedroom. He said, “I knew it was the Blessed Mother. She simply stood there and said nothing. She is beautiful. She is so very beautiful. There was a slight breeze, and Her hair and Her mantle were blowing from the breeze. She is so beautiful. I felt like I was being healed. My whole body tingled. I have never felt that type of peace before. I knew I was healed. I kept rubbing my eyes to see if I was imagining it. Each time I would rub my eyes and would look up, She was still there. This lasted in what seemed like a very long time. Then, at day break, the sun came in through the window — and She simply disappeared.” And after this, Phil started to improve. “When I saw Our Lady’s picture, I said to myself, That’s Her!! That’s who I saw!!” Phil said that he is a construction worker and is fully back to work as well as skiing again with “no limitations.”
Elizabeth, from Warrington, England:
Elizabeth from Sacred Heart Church had cancer on her lung. She put the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on her lung every day. Her x-ray results indicated that the cancer had gone. The nurse said she has never seen anything like it before. Elizabeth said she doesn’t feel ill at all now.
Peter, from Missouri, USA:
Peter, age four, was born with severe kidney problems. His kidneys were constantly failing — even with a simple cold or flu. Peter had been hospitalized numerous times because of this health issue. About a month ago, Peter became ill, and his kidneys stopped functioning. He was hospitalized in the Children’s ward. An image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy was given to the family to place on Peter. Peter made a remarkable recovery and has had no problems with his kidneys since then. The family is giving credit for the healing of Peter to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and that miraculous picture.
Ray, from Newfoundland, Canada:
Ray’s family is Protestant but was receptive on getting Our Lady’s image of the Tear of Joy. His wife had applied for over 50 jobs over the last several months with no response, and they were now out of money. When they received Our Lady’s image, they began reciting the Memorare prayer. The wife then got a job offer. She went for the interview and was offered a position far above what she had applied for and started that week. But the story gets even better. They have a statue of Our Blessed Mother with a Rose bush next to her at the side of their house. Over the last five years, the rose bush has produced no roses. But now, five roses have appeared on the bush — but this is in October in Newfoundland! Newfoundland is one of the very northwest provinces in Canada – and it gets very cold early – not a time when roses would bloom!
Don, from Ohio, USA:
Don had many cancerous tumors in his abdomen. Don took the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placed it on his belly where the largest tumor was located. The Memorare prayer was prayed two times. Follow-up tests were done on Don last week, and he got the results yesterday. There are so many cancer tumors that are totally gone now. It’s like they never existed! And the major tumor that they were mainly concerned about has significantly reduced in size. His blood work also looks so much better. The doctors, Don, and his wife were all amazed and so pleased with the results and the miraculous changes.
Beatrice, from Converse, Texas, USA:
“I’ve been wearing hearing aids for nine years due to bilateral decreased hearing loss. I also suffer from season asthma. From October through January, I struggled to make it through the day as I’m still a working woman. Every day after work, I would go straight home, eat some homemade chicken soup and go to bed. Throughout the night and during the day, I felt extremely tired, sleepy, my mind in a fog, and felt feverish and kept getting chills throughout the day and night no matter how many layers of woolens I was wearing — even though I did not have a fever. In January of 2018, I noticed that my right ear felt plugged and I could not hear even thought I had my hearing aid on. I was also experiencing laryngitis (or so I thought). Thinking that the hearing aid needed to be serviced, I took it to the hearing aid center to be fixed. After checking it out, the technician said it was not the hearing aid and performed a hearing test. The result showed that I had complete hearing loss of my right ear. I placed the photo Tear of Joy on my right ear, prayed the Memorare repeatedly and petitioned Mother Mary to intercede to Her Son, Jesus, if it was His Will to heal me. Next morning, I woke up to the alarm on my Cell phone and reached for it. It was not on the table next to my bed, so I got up and went looking for it. I have a 4-bedroom house, and when I got to the last bedroom, I found it on a shelf I had last left it. I suddenly realized that I had actually heard it ring and started crying and praising The Lord and thanking Him over and over for showing me His compassion and mercy by healing me. I could not stop praising Him and haven’t stopped thanking and praising Him for this miracle and forever more will praise His Holy name. I returned to the ENT doctor to check on the hole in my ear. After he examined me, he started talking about what our next step would be to restore my hearing loss and voice. At this point, I shared with him about the healing image of the Tear of Joy and that I had regained my hearing and my voice on Holy Wednesday. He told his technician to run another test on me, and the test came back that I had perfect hearing on both sides now. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!”
Rosary Group, southern Indiana, USA:
“Our rosary group met a couple of days later, and a message was given to one of the members of our group that Our Lady of the Tear of Joy wanted an enlarged photo made to be put in a place chosen by Her so that all could see Her. I texted the visionary, Arrow, about what Our Lady requested, and that we were going to have one made. Arrow told me he would have it done himself professionally because, if made too large, it would be distorted. He also would have it blessed. So, the following week, Arrow returned to southern Indiana with five, 8×10, blessed photos of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Our rosary group received two of these photos. There are two different places we meet for rosary. One of the places is visited by whomever wishes to come and pray. On Sunday July 1st, there was a group of Mexican workers who came to pray. They were all kneeling surrounding the photo/image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy — and as they were praying, the image started weeping inside the glass. All present saw it, and a message was given that these were “Tears of Joy”. These Mexican workers literally only have the clothes on their backs and the cars they drive are very old, but these people are so humble and joyful to have what they have and they are so devoted to Our Lady. We need to learn by their example to approach Our Lady with sincere and humble hearts.”

Betsy, from Kentucky, USA:
“I am now 64 years old but when I was 23, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Scleroderma. Along with this I have developed some other autoimmune diseases, which is pretty common. So as you can tell I have struggled with some health problems over the years although they did not keep me from working full time as a social worker for 17 years and as a teaching assistant and art teacher at a local elementary school for about 11 yrs. I have been retired for 12 years. In my 50’s I developed an autoimmune problem called Sjogren’s which causes me to have intense dry eyes. Late last November (2017) I went to see my eye doctor because the dryness of my left eye was causing me vision problems. This was due to Sjogrens. Normally, over the counter drops alleviate the dryness in my eyes but, at this time, that was not helping my left eye. My doctor examined my right eye and said she thought it looked pretty good but was very concerned when she saw the dryness in my left eye. She described little dots that she called stippling. At that point she prescribed steroid drops for my left eye only. She advised me to use the drops over the next few months and return for an appointment in April.
I had been on steroid drops a few times before but only for short periods and always they had quickly and successfully improved my vision and the problem caused by dryness or inflammation. I used these prescription drops in my left eye all the month of December 2017, January and February of 2018 with no improvement in my left eye at all. The vision was still blurry, and the dryness and redness seemed worse. So, at the end of February I made the decision to stop using those steroid drops. During this whole time, I continued to use another prescription medication called Restasis. My doctor has prescribed that medication for many, many year due to inflammation in the eyes.
So, at the end of February, I was pretty discouraged about the loss of clear vision in my left eye. On Saturday, March 3rd I read a story in Spirit Daily that mentioned the mass in Cincinnati and how the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy came about. So, I went to the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and read the whole story. The next week in March I went back to your website and using the photo on the website I prayed to Mary and Jesus about my vision problem in my left eye. When praying I did not ask to be healed of Scleroderma or Sjogrens but only to give me my eyesight back in my left eye. I had become so dependent on my right eye that I did not even realize at first, the next day, that the vision in my left eye had returned.
On April 3rd, 2018 I kept my appointment with my eye doctor and told her the story of how the steroid eye drops had not worked in December, January and February. I told her I quit using the drops at the end of February. Then I told her how I had prayed, and my eyesight had returned. She said she believes in the power of prayer. She also told me that she had no medical explanation on how the eyesight in my left eye returned. She said if the steroid drops were not working for three months they would not suddenly have started working in March when I stopped using the drops. She said the Restasis could not have fixed the dry eye problem since I had been on that drug for many years. She said if I had just started using that drug then maybe it would have been responsible for curing the problem, but I had not just started using that drug. She quizzed me about things, but, in the end, she said she had no medical answer for how my eyesight returned. On that day she said both eyes looked great and were clear of all dryness. She said my vision was good and my eye pressure was good in both eyes. Everything was good.”
This amazing picture has been reproduced and distributed widely. Copies need to be blessed first by a priest. Then, on the back side is the Memorare to be prayed. This story continues to develop and is being overseen and supported by a Catholic priest. I spoke with Arrow Osborn, myself, and he wished that his email and website be known to everyone as Our Lady wants this image made available to all her children in the world. Many countries are now venerating this image – and more miracles are being documented.
Arrow Osborn’s e-mail: