This website, Divine Mysteries and Miracles, is designed to provide quality information and lesser known historical facts that could inspire, enlighten, and grow your faith. The reality of God is evident in the undeniable presence of miraculous events. These events and facts surpass the rigorous examination by science, medicine, and psychiatry — which have only been able to determine that these facts are indeed supernatural and without any reasonable or natural explanation. Repeating and correlating patterns in the information give it an eerie credibility because fantasy, hoaxes, or delusions cannot have such identical repetitions. Open your mind to these amazing possibilities and marvel at the undeniable wonders of God.
Like an on-line library for the religious supernatural, you can browse through numerous illustrated articles, an image gallery, and video evidence. Other categories will help you grow your faith when you are ready. Don’t be afraid to look at the evidence and challenge your present beliefs.
John Carpenter, MSW, LCSW, is a Psychiatric Therapist with over 37 years of experience assessing and treating mental disorders and behavioral problems. In his spare time he has investigated the unexplored frontiers of reality, researching paranormal events and unexplained mysteries. His psychiatric training helped him to eliminate psychological explanations for these supernatural claims. Like a logical and open-minded detective, he seeks truth and the supporting evidence to validate these inexplicable realities.
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